Star Princess Children's / Kids' Programs & Babysitting
Star Princess offers kids' programs for ages 3-17. Youth groups are divided based on age.
Princess Pelicans - ages 3-7
Features an indoor/outdoor play area with tricycles, outdoor games and arts and crafts.
Shockwaves - ages 8-12
Shockwaves activities include Guitar Hero, science experiments and pizza parties.
Teens - ages 13-17
Teens have their very own place where they can hang out and listen to music, take Hip-Hop dance lessons or play games on the PlayStation.
The Youth Center for all age groups is located aft on Deck 15 (Sun Deck). Age appropriate planned activities are provided throughout the cruise. Late night babysitting services are available -- however, it is at the Youth Center rather than in your stateroom. The kids' program even allows parents the option of leaving the kids on the ship when the Star Princess is in port.
Babysitting on the Star Princess
There is no in-cabin babysitting on the Star Princess. There are, however, evening programs available that will take care of kids so parents can enjoy the ship.
Star Princess Children's / Kids' Programs & Babysitting Tips:
Princess has a Youth Security program in place. Staff in their early 20's wearing the bright yellow polo shirts patrols the entire ship discouraging questionable behavior before it gets out of hand. Because of their age, there is more of a rapport developed between the younger age group than a policing force and it works. For those of us who are not in this age bracket, the "yellow shirts" are great for getting information and directions.
The staff is not allowed to change diapers, so if your child needs changing, you will be paged on the pager you are given when signing up for the program.
There is no in-cabin babysitting.
Sign up for all groups is the first night. Check the Princess Patter for details.
Read our article for a detailed overview of Princess Cruises youth program -- this includes what to expect, costs, late night babysitting services, slumber parties and child care. Parents can even leave the kids on the ship when the Star Princess is in port.